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BIS Math Department

  Welcome to the Math Department webpage!

 "Success in math does not depend on how many answers you know, but by what you do when you don't know the answer."
 - author unknown
The goal of Barnstable Intermediate School’s mathematics department is for all students to achieve their highest potential in their study of mathematics. We will help them build a solid foundation of skills, computational fluencies, and conceptual understandings which will support their ability to think critically, justify their reasoning, and communicate mathematically. We want our students to approach mathematics with purpose, curiosity, and confidence.
Pre-AP at BIS:  Pre-AP is based on two key elements. The first is the expectation that all students are able to perform well at rigorous academic levels. The second key element is the belief that we can prepare every student for higher levels of mathematics by starting the development of skills and conceptual understanding as early as possible. These are reflected both in the math curriculum and through the instructional strategies used in the math classroom.   All students have access to a challenging curriculum that will be supplemented with Pre-AP lessons that are connected to key concepts and skills.  We are excited to see your students grow into critical thinkers and independent problem solvers!
Grade 6 Math Year-at-a-Glance

 Unit 1        
Multi-Digit Numbers
 Unit 2
Rational Numbers
 Unit 3
Ratios and Rates
 Unit 4
 Unit 5
Equations and Inequalities
 Unit 6
Data and statistics
 Unit 7

Grade 7 Math Year-at-a-Glance
  7th Grade Math
Unit 1
The Number System
- use operations on rational numbers
7th Grade Math plus:
- identify irrational numbers
- approximate and compare irrational numbers
- evaluate perfect squares and cubes
- write numbers in scientific notation
- perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation
Unit 2
Expressions and Equations
- simplify expressions
- factor linear expressions
- solve multi-step equations
- solve multi-step inequalities
 7th Grade Math plus
- graph proportional relationships
- solve linear equations in one variable
- use similar triangles to explain slope between any two distinct points
Unit 3
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
- compute unit rates
- recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities
- use proportional relationships to solve multi-step  ratio and percent problems
 same as 7th Grade Math
Unit 4
- solve problems with scale drawings
- draw, construct, and describe  geometric figures
- solve mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume
 7th Grade Math plus
- transformations and similarity
- congruent figures
- Pythagorean Theorem
- parallel lines and transversals
- find volume of solids
Unit 5
Statistics and Probability 
- use random sampling
- compare populations
- use measures of center and measures of variability
- find probabilities of compound events
 same as 7th Grade Math