Multilingual Learners (ML)
The Multilingual Learners Program (ML) in Barnstable teaches over 500 students. We are fortunate to have Multilingual Learners from many different countries, speaking multiple languages. MLs are provided instruction by licensed ESL teachers. They are also provided with Sheltered English Instruction in their general education classes by licensed content teachers who are SEI endorsed. The Barnstable Public Schools are involved in an ongoing process of providing professional development to educators on how to effectively teach MLs in accordance with state and federal requirements. We also make every attempt to have bilingual professionals available for families whose native language is not English. We provide this service through our ML Parent Center, which is staffed by bilingual Parent Liaisons. If you would like to learn more about our ML program, please contact:
BIS – Portuguese Family Liaison
My name is Renata Jordao. I am originally from Brazil and came to the United States when I was eight. I am the Portuguese Liaison at Barnstable Intermediate School. Having grown up in Barnstable, I am proud to be a part of the community that fostered my educational journey. As a Barnstable graduate, I have a strong connection to the school and its values, making my role even more meaningful. As a Portuguese Liaison, I support students and families transitioning into a new language and culture. In my role, I serve as a bridge between the school and the Portuguese-speaking community, helping to facilitate communication and understanding. I am excited to be a part of the Barnstable Public Schools community and to contribute to the success and growth of our Multilingual Learners.
Renata Jordao
BPS Email:
Office Phone: 508.790.6460 Ext. 1670
Google Voice/WhatsApp: (508) 296-0028