BIS Handbook
- Mission Statement and Message from Principal
- District Curriculum Accommodation Plan
- Communication
- English Language Learners Resources
- School Program
- Daily Expectations for Students
- Health Office
- School Council
- Band, Chorus, and Strings
- Bicycles
- Care of School Books and Property
- Curriculum-Related Videos
- Dropping off Items
- Extra help and Make-up Work
- Field Trips
- Fire and Safety Drills
- Wellness
- Lockers and Locks
- Lost and Found
- School Cancellation
- Student Breakfast and Lunch Programs
- Student Grades
- Student Arrival and Attendance
- Student Progressive Discipline Rubric
- Social Probation
- Student Cell Phones
- Dress and Appearance
- Plagiarism Policy
- BPS District Handbook
Mission Statement and Message from Principal
Mission Statement
The Barnstable Intermediate School takes pride in its role as an important bridge for students as they make the transition from elementary education to secondary education on their way to becoming more self-reliant, disciplined, and caring young adults. Students and staff are engaged in challenging, differentiated instruction applying effective effort strategies to reach their maximum individual potential. Students contribute to a positive school climate that promotes a sense of belonging and connection to their school and community. Our success is measured by gains in individual student growth and academic achievement.
Message from the Principal
Dear BIS Families:
The Barnstable Intermediate School student handbook is published each school year in order to provide students and families with important information pertaining to BIS, and the Barnstable Public School district in general. Our handbook outlines specific policies, procedures, and expectations for all BIS students throughout their enrollment. We ask that you please take some time to review this handbook in its entirety, as it will provide you with valuable information to support you and your child. Upon completion of your review, please sign and return the Student Handbook acknowledgment and the BIS Technology Use Policy forms. We ask that these forms be turned in to your student's advisor by 09/20/24
Lastly, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the BIS community. It is my hope that all students have a positive and successful learning experience this school year. If you have any questions about the contents of this handbook, please feel free to contact BIS at 508-790-6460 or by email arlington_tyler@mybps.us.
Tyler Arlington
Interim Principal
District Curriculum Accommodation Plan
The purpose of the District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) is to assist principals in ensuring that all efforts have been made to meet student’s needs in regular education. This plan documents the ways in which district educators’ work to meet the needs of all learners. The goal is for all students to meet the academic and behavioral expectations we have for them based on our core values and district goals. We embrace the diversity of learning styles of our students, and understand and appreciate that students learn differently and some may need accommodations in order to succeed.
Parents may receive school-wide communication through an automated calling system or school-wide e-mails. Throughout the year, automated messages may include important announcements of upcoming events and notification if your child is absent. Teachers communicate with parents primarily through the use of phone/voicemail, as well as through a variety of other means such as notes, student agenda books, email, interim reports, report cards, weekly/monthly “planners” and the computer grading program, Aspen (X2). Parents and teachers are encouraged to discuss which means of communication works best for them. Teachers will strive to respond to all communications within twenty-four hours. However, teachers have schedules that vary. The time of day during which the parent may call will influence whether a call is returned that same day or the following day. The staff values communication with parents and will make every effort to return phone calls in a prompt manner.
English Language Learners Resources
Director English Language Learners
- Carina DaSilva, BHS (508) 790-6445 ext. 1753
Community Liaison - Portuguese
- Renata Jordao ext.1670 | Google Voice: 508-296-0028
Community Liaison - Spanish
- Emma Jaurigui ext. 1228 | Google Voice: 508-348-9895
Translation Services
To staff, students, and parents: If your primary language is not English and you would like any school document translated, a meeting interpreted, or school counseling services available in the student’s primary language, please contact Carina Da Silva, Director of English Language Learners at 508-790-6445 ext. 1753.
A personal, padres/tutores, y estudiantes: si su lengua primaria no es el inglés y le gustaría cualquier documento escolar traducido, una reunión interpretada, o servicios de orientación de escuela disponibles en la lengua primaria del estudiante, por favor póngase en contacto con Carina Da Silva, directora de ell en 508-790-6445, ext. 1753.
Aos professores, alunos, e pais: se sua língua principal não é o inglês e você gostaria que todos os documentos da escola fossem traduzidos, uma reunião interpretada, ou serviços de aconselhamento na escola disponíveis na língua principal do aluno, por favor, entre em contato com Carina Da Silva, diretora de ell do número 508-790-6445 ext. 1753.
School Program
To foster a sense of overall community within the entire school, your child has been assigned to a team of teachers within the BIS community model. Each small community consists of grade-level teachers & staff who will work with your child throughout the year. BIS students are placed on a team consisting of an advisor and four core academic teachers. Special Education personnel, English as a Second Language teacher, and a counselor are also assigned to the team. This structure is intended to establish strong relationships with students and their families.
Students attend the four core academic classes each day along with enrichment classes spread throughout the week. The enrichment classes are: art, music, wellness, physical education, health and technology. We also offer elective classes in place of enrichment classes; which include orchestra, band, chorus, and various Gateway courses. In seventh grade, math groupings are performance based. Students are placed in either pre-algebra or standard seventh grade math according to past performance and teacher recommendations.
All instructional units are based on current state and national standards. Each unit of instruction establishes high, clear expectations for all students. Instruction is embedded with Project Based Learning opportunities for each student at BIS. Each teacher addresses and assesses each standard using various tools. Lessons may include accommodations for students, and modifications to fit the learning needs of special education and English Language Learner (ELL) students.
Daily Expectations for Students
All students begin their day in advisory/homeroom. This time allows for students to organize for the day, and permits teachers time to take attendance and to conduct other school business.
Students are expected to walk on the right hand side of the hallway in an orderly fashion when changing classes. Dismissal from any class or activity will be at the direction of the teacher.
Students are allowed to use the office phones with permission and ONLY in an emergency. Plans should be made before school begins or after school ends, not in between or during classes.
Gum chewing may be allowed at the discretion of the teacher, however there may be times when gum chewing is not permitted. Gum should be disposed of prior to entering that teacher’s classroom.
Appropriate dress is required. (See Dress Code)
Healthy snacks are promoted.
Cosmetics and other beauty products are not to be used during class time.
Students are required to be under the supervision of an adult when in the school building, before school, and after dismissal time.
Health Office
Emily Hill ext 1347 | Sabrina Losapio ext 1565
Students may go to the Health Office with teacher's permission. Students may be excused from physical education classes for medical reasons. Students are required to have a physician’s note to be excused from class.
School Council
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C, the School Council was established to "assist the principal in the identification of the educational needs of the students attending the school, in the review of the annual school budget, and in the formulation of a school improvement plan." The BIS School Council consists of the principal, three parents, two teachers, and representatives from the community. Members are elected at the beginning of the school year, and a list of council members will be sent home shortly afterward.
Band, Chorus, and Strings
Care of School Books and Property
It is the responsibility of students and parents to return school property when requested and to cooperate in keeping materials in circulation. Students who lose or ruin a book must pay for it. Prompt monetary payment is required when school property is lost or damaged under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 266, 680, and 722.
Curriculum-Related Videos
Dropping off Items
To minimize class disruptions, unless it is an emergency, students are notified about dropped off items during their lunch period. An administrator will pick up any forgotten student lunches or lunch money before each lunch. We ask that if a student has forgotten an item, other than lunch or lunch money, please drop off that item before the first lunch at 11:00 a.m. Students are then notified about those items during lunch.
Extra help and Make-up Work
Students are continually encouraged to demonstrate a sense of responsibility by making up work and going to extra help sessions. Students who are absent for a prolonged period of time will be given time to make up the missed work. Teachers shall also make every effort to provide after school help and consultation to students as requested by the student or parent.
Field Trips
Your teacher or team may plan educational activities away from school. These field trips are an important part of our educational program and supplement the curriculum. Attendance on field trips is not guaranteed. A student’s conduct at school determines his or her eligibility for field trips. Students who are excluded from field trips are expected to attend school on the day of the trip. A supervised program of study will be prepared for them.
If medication is needed, it should be given by the school nurse before leaving or upon returning to the school. If this is not possible, the field trip medication administration will be delegated to the teacher. The following guidelines apply to all field trips: 1) parents should examine all backpacks and bags before students leave home 2) students should not bring any forms of technology - radios, cell phones, ipods or video games 3) students should dress appropriately for the trip (i.e., plenty of layers and sun block for outdoor trips and appropriate clothing for indoor/city experiences), and 4) students should stay with their teachers or chaperones at all times.
Fire and Safety Drills
Fire drills require orderly, quick passage from the building. Silence is expected during any drill. Students must follow the directions posted in each room and those given by the teacher.
Safety drills will be conducted during the school year. Students must follow the directions of their classroom teachers. Barnstable Public Schools is an A.L.I.C.E. protocol district.
Wellness class covers a variety of topics including issues dealing with the human reproductive system. Parents have the right to exempt their child from this unit by submitting a written request to the principal. A copy of this unit’s curriculum is available in our library. Specific questions regarding the health curriculum should be addressed to Ms. Rachel Joslin, Health and Physical Education Department Chair at (508) 790-6460.
Lockers and Locks
Students should not bring valuables or large sums of money to school. The school cannot be held responsible for materials missing from lockers. Students should keep locker combinations private and make sure that locks are properly secured. Certain items must not be stored in lockers or desks (i.e., weapons, illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, stolen property, and fireworks). The school retains control over lockers assigned to students and reserves the right to inspect lockers and desks periodically to assure compliance with all rules. We recommend that all students have a combination lock. Locks will be available for purchase for $8 each during lunches shortly after the start of the school year.
Lost and Found
School Cancellation
A decision to delay or cancel school is made by 6:00 a.m. Several local radio stations cover school cancellations including WCOD (106.1 FM), WPXC (102.9 FM), WQRC (99.9 FM), and WXTK (95.1 FM). In addition, WHDH (Channel 7) and WBZ (Channel 4) television stations are notified of any delays or cancellations. The district will communicate via Blackboard Messenger to all families who opt-in to receive district communications. The district will also communicate to all families by posting on our District website and District social media (Facebook, and Instagram).
Student Breakfast and Lunch Programs
Student Grades
Report Cards
Report cards are available via ASPEN at the end of each marking period. Report cards should be viewed at home & discussed with a parent/guardian. BIS report card grades are reported as percentages which reflect content mastery. The data is collected from tests, essays, and/or projects. On the report card, rubrics are provided to explain how effort and behavior are assessed. If parents have any questions, they should contact their child’s counselor or request a conference with the teacher or team.
Academic Honors
Students are recognized quarterly for their academics.Students must obtain grades of A’s & B’s in their scheduled classes
“Honors” requires receiving an “80” or better in all subject areas
“High Honors” requires receiving a “90” or better in all subject areas
Student Arrival and Attendance
Arrival at School
BIS opens their doors for students beginning at 7:55 AM each day. Upon arrival, students may get breakfast in the cafeteria before reporting to the homeroom/advisory which begins promptly at 8:10 AM.
Regular and punctual school attendance is essential for success in school. The District recognizes that parents/guardians of children who attend our schools have special rights as well as responsibilities, one of which is to ensure that their children attend school regularly, in accordance with state law. Students are expected to be in school every day that school is in session, including half days. They are also expected to be on time for school.
A parent/guardian should call their student’s school to report their student’s absence for the day.
Tardiness or Late Arrivals
Students who arrive in advisory after the start of school will be considered tardy and must get a pass from the receptionist at the main office.
Please provide a written note or send an email if you wish to dismiss your child prior to the normal dismissal time. Your student should give the note to the receptionist during morning advisory or upon arrival to school. The receptionist will then give the student a dismissal pass for the appropriate time.
Student Progressive Discipline Rubric
Level ONE |
Level TWO |
Level THREE |
Student Behavior ● Use of cell phones ● Misuse of technology ● Plagiarism ● Tardiness ● Disruptions ● Inappropriate Words or Actions ● Disrespectful Words or Actions |
Student Behavior Repeated actions in Level One or ● Cutting Class ● Destruction of property ● Harassment ● Retaliation |
Student Behavior Repeated actions in Level Two or ● Illegal: ● Theft ● Possession of drugs/weapons ● Threat to school ● Physical or Verbal Assault ● Bullying ● Civil Rights Violation |
Teacher Response ● Contact parent ● Classroom accommodation ● Team consequence ● Restorative intervention ● Share repeated offenses with admin |
Administrative Response ● Contact parent ● Restorative intervention ● Assign detention ● Social Probation ● Email to team and teacher admin response ● Possible In School Suspension (ISS)/ Out of School Suspension (OSS) |
Administrative Response ● Contact Parent ● Restorative intervention ● Social Probation ● Possible In School Suspension (ISS)/ Out of School Suspension (OSS) |
Social Probation
Students have the privilege of participating in school - sponsored activities. Students have the responsibility to adhere to rules, standards and qualifications set forth in order to participate in those extra-curricular activities. At the discretion of the principal, students who have chronic school offenses, who commit serious acts against the code of conduct or for other reasons, in addition to the discipline penalty, may also lose the privilege of participating in extracurricular events such as dances, field trips or other activities.
Level A
- Repeated Level ONE Behavior
- Prevents a student from attending Assemblies, dances, and team events.
- Repair – at the end of a calendar month, if successful, student will move off of probation. This will be determined by admin/team during meetings.
Level B
- Previous month Level ONE or ANY Level TWO Behavior
- Prevents a student from attending – Assemblies, dances, and after-school clubs/after-school BIS sport team up to one week.
- Repair – at the end of a calendar month, if successful, student will move off of probation.
Level C
- Previous month Level TWO or ANY Level THREE Behavior
- Prevents a student from attending- Assemblies, dances, and after-school clubs/after-school BIS sport team up to one month.
- Repair – at the end of a calendar month, if successful, student will move off of probation.
Student Cell Phones
Although students may bring cell phones to school for use after school, the expectation is that phones will be turned off and left in the student’s locker during the school day. Cell phones can be a distraction to the learning environment and therefore student use of a cell phone during the academic day will be addressed by staff.
Airpods, Earbuds, Bluetooth headphones & Smart devices/watches are prohibited from being used in the classroom and should be stowed away in a student's locker. Exceptions may be made by the School Administration. Any repeated offenses may result in confiscation of the item and/or a meeting with a parent or guardian.
Dress and Appearance
The BIS dress code is written to ensure that all students are dressed in a manner appropriate for the task of learning. The following are guidelines for professional student attire for all BIS students.
Clothing will not contain pornography, contain profanity, contain threats, or promote illegal or violent conduct.
Clothing will not demonstrate hate group affiliation or use hate speech (targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or other protected groups), or otherwise create a hostile or intimidating environment based on a protected class.
Clothing will not expose private parts.
Students cannot wear hats, hoods, or anything that covers the student’s face so that the student is not identifiable (except clothing/headgear worn for a religious or medical purpose).
Clothing will not demonstrate gang association/affiliation.
Clothing will not have vulgar references or imagery of inappropriate topics such as drugs and alcohol (or any illegal item or activity).
Clothing will not contain sharp elements that could potentially be harmful.
Lanyard ID must be worn at all times.
Multiple violations may result in disciplinary action. A change of clothing may be provided. The grade level administrator will reach out to the parent/guardian of the student.
Plagiarism Policy
To plagiarize is to use and pass off another’s work as one’s own. Plagiarism is often discovered at school when the work does not sound like the student’s. Each writer has his or her own unique voice and when that voice (including the sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary usage) shifts, someone else has contributed directly to the writing. Sometimes this is plagiarism from a book or the internet, and sometimes it is because parents have helped too much in the revision process. Depending on the situation, the grade may be lowered, or the student may be asked to redo the assignment for late credit. For more information, please contact Ms. Kaitlyn Chamness-O’Connor, our English Curriculum Coordinator at (508) 790-6460, Ext. 608.